
Twifo Praso: 160 bed-capacity district hospital commences operation today

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A short opening ceremony has been held for the commencement of operations in a 160-bed capacity district hospital at Twifo Atti-Morkwa today.

The project, which was commissioned last year in August by President Akufo-Addo, is expected to serve more than 30,000 people in the district and its adjoining communities to enhance access to reliable health services.

A section of the Twifo Atti-Morkwa District Hospital

The hospital was financed by Euroget-De Invest (EDI), a Turkish-based company, which signed an agreement with both the Ministries of Health and Interior in 2010 to source for funds to initially build eight hospitals in the country.

The facility comes with a mini market, laundry and kitchen services, dining hall and a housing block for lactating mothers.

Additionally, it has an Administrative Block, Out Patients Department, Physiotherapy Unit, Radiology Laboratory, Medical Justice Production Unit, Maternal and Children’s Health Centre, Mortuary, Staff dining hall, maintenance department, power station and 20 staff housing unit.

All these are part of the standard complementary facilities that included two high-tech power plants to ensure uninterrupted power supply, an ambulance station for emergency services, treatment plants for sewage and medical waste, and a water treatment and supply system.

The hospital is one of nine hospital projects to be constructed in different parts of the country with funds from credit arranged by EDI through the international money market and secured by the Government of Ghana.

The former Member of Parliament for Twifo-Atti Morkwa, Abraham Dwuma Doom, urged politicians to complete projects because government is a continuum.

“Just as electricity is made up of negative and positive charges, we need both the NPP and NDC to develop and move the nation forward”.

He also expressed the hope that the hospital, fitted with ultra-modern equipment, would go a long way to provide quality health care to the good people of the area.

The District Health Director, Mr. Samuel Kwabina Ofori, thanked the government for such a wonderful edifice and stated that “patients can opt for either orthodox treatment or go for the herbal treatment since both have been successfully piloted”.


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