
Nana Frema Busia petitions Akufo-Addo on corruption and free speech censorship

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“Frontom frontom fom, atupan pan pam”, this is the  proverbial Towncrier with a STOP PRESS Petition and a call to True Democracy at the dawn of election 2020.

Let me kick off by  re-stating  categorically that upon critical contextual  review, the unaccountable “Agyapa” deal, seem designed as an  Apex corruption syndication within H.E. Akufo Addo’s governance.

In my view unless Ghana implements effective Campaign Finance laws with monitoring indices, which I champion as a matter of national urgency, political savvy and consequential COMPETENCE in CORRUPTION by both NPP/NDC operational modalities, will wholly derail Ghana’s democratic and economic development as well as lead to a  predictable security implosion.

Mr. President, I speak from an objective and knowledgeable base as Legal Counsel in forensic/ diagnostic audits  of the underbelly of institutional /state corruption resulting in the passage of causing financial loss laws.

I also  confidently speak as a former Legal Counsel to Ghana National Security with a  dual Investigative and National and ECOWAS  Sub-Regional small arms control portfollio, as a West African focal point with Continental and International collaboration at UN and AU levels, which have been rendered  dysfunctional due to my sworn non- corruption compliance, thus, creating dismal insecurity in Ghana due lack of  project implementation and small arms influx with attendant miscreants with terrorism and money – laundering potential which constitute injustices to Ghana.

Honestly Mr. President, as regards Free Speech, if I were not extremely cautious, I would reasonably conclude that  your government has used it’s very high level influential and close links with the ownership of citifm to effect a ban on my public interest/anti corruption article titled “Agyapa, hidden dilemmas  of a Royalty gold deal” from citifm online portal and from public readership in critical violation of the key democratic tenet of FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Most Respectfully, I have played an Ombudsman role regarding headlong  financial malfeasance and called Presidential bluff regarding non- discretionary and dubious  financial appointments. I have also critiqued your inability as Attorney General to prosecute   current Finance Minister cousin, Mr Ofori Attah on the $2m  Obotan case  which is not unlike the Woyome case.

Your Excellency, I have further called into question the credibility of the track record of  Data Bank as Transaction Advisors  for the  Agyapa  gold  Royalty deal  when $12m SSNIT funds  remain missing under their watch  since 2002, unless evidence to the contrary can be provided.

Thus overall, I have  given a different  substantive perspective to solely technical competence analysis, which is undermined by preponderance of self – dealing and prior track record indicators creating lack of Public Trust. ***Hey  presto, my article disappears from Citi FM that virtually solicited it by asking that I write a prose article after  my poetic expose’ of  the corrupt state of the nation as a  tribute  to my  father Dr K.A.Busia was published by myjoyfmonline.

Indeed, Mr. President whereas  one would  not want to be presumptive that Your Excellency, a most  reputable  human rights lawyer, would support such a major  blemish on your democratic credentials, immediately after your  usual pre -election ritual visit to  my father Kofi Abrefa Busia’s  graveside for politically  expedient votes, does the rather strong circumstantial  evidence not  speak for itself?

Mr. President, My father as a symbol of true democracy  in Africa is uncomfortably  embossed on  NPP politics, while his Progress Party has ceased to exist. Sincerely, a shameless  banning  by proxy of my article would only portray disloyalty to your Presidential portfolio and  inconsistency as regards  your stated  position on corruption and democracy in amazing  parallel collusion with Madam Ama Bame, ‘Busia’s antagonistic denial of same article in NPP’s Daily Guide newspaper affiliate.

Truly Mr. President, What are the odds that this dual  political and  simultaneous blood betrayal  by NPP’s accredited  mother, in linkage with a media house,  Citifm also associated with NPP to paint a public interest goodwill article in a prejudicial  and negative light by its removal, is simply coincidental?

• Sɛbi Taflatse, Mr President, since stones are being throne  from powerful glass houses, one  wonders why the denial and banning of my Agyapa article has  not rather been applied  to the  CEO  of DVLA to stop  serial brow raising  schemes including the triple over priced safety kits relative to market costs which DVLA attempted to push down the throats of Ghanaians by compulsion.

There is also the recent digital license plate brouhaha with different imported  vehicles spotting the same license plates, the compulsory eye – popping, badly conceived road side vehicle towing scheme which was withdrawn as well as  the exhorbitant  compulsory “luxury” vehicle tax which has also  been suspended.

Let me ask pointedly, whether  these various seeming banal  schemes  were not  repetitive under-cover attempts to siphon public  moneys  into NPP party coffers  under the direct auspices  of the Presidency with Mr. Osafo Marfo Snr. as the DVLA  overhead handler?  Indeed Why has Madam Ama  Busia  not denied the DVLA syndications and cover ups  including the deftly  withdrawn  safety kit “Riot Act”

• Mr. President, who was given the  nationwide safety kit  supply contract? what is the relationship to the Presidency and  under what procurement regimen was the safety kit contract awarded? What audit has been done to assess the financial loss to the country after the  nation-wide roll out was as quick as lightening  withdrawn? Has the modalities not  been covered up and the DVLA CEO, Madam Ama Bame Busia’s son shielded?

Indeed, the Transport Minister who should have had the command control of DVLA was sidelined and claimed he had no knowledge of  this  Safety kit matter  and other DVLA scandals and the Information Minister also repudiated  it, calling it  an act to undermine the  Akufo Addo government!

If so WHO  and WHAT  is shielding  Kwasi  Agyeman  Twum, ‘Busia’ who has also falsely  been paraded  in the Daily Graphic as my Father Kofi Busia’s son  for political advantage and is  also publicly declared as undermining the NPP / Akufo Addo government?
• What a fine  ironic intrigue.

*** Conversely, Why am I, Kofi Busia’s daughter, exhibiting traits just like him,  against would- be  oppressive corrupt practise, in the form of a tinged veritable  Agyapa suicidal pill to be administered  to a  bankrupt Ghana as though it were a safe medicinal pill,  not even entitled to make a public interest statement without  drawn swords from so called  “Busia” denials and implicit governmental censorship  and abuse of my cardinal  human right to Free  protected Speech?

• Dear Reader

What is going on is a  very complex  internal Corruption “civil  war”  where the Powerful  history makers are scared of the  content  of my brain and  their  own  mocking wicked  guilty shadows. In a Ghana where investigative journalism and expression of ideals or thought leadership can get one killed, is the effective ban on my  “Agyapa” gold article not an issue of immense or critical public concern that should be condemned by all?

***Dear reader, I have no axe to  grind, this is not about purity of blood or political/ family trivia or name adoption. ***”The heart  of the matter ” is  about the sanctity and  preservation of premium and unblemished Busia legacy by his supposed Proteges, both political and those with family ties, showcasing a corruption inspired NPP  elephant stampede which is  anathema as well as  unbridled ambitions to follow Kofi Busia  footsteps with hollowness and  contradictory dishonor rather than a conscientious National Interest Imperative. That is all.

• I am also using DVLA  as an exemplary illustration of a systemic  Ghana problem of NPP/NDC institutional dysfunction whereby appointments  to “cash cow” institutions including SSNIT, COCOBOD,  BOST, GHAPOHA,  GNPC, TOR, etc  in the absence of effective campaign finance laws are precarious political appointments whereby  the entrenched  covert functions of well remunerated CEO’s, are to find ways and means to grease party coffers including with ‘manicured’, greedy sole sourced contracts and kick backs and direct  reportage to the Presidency and  or top party honchos.

This is even more  pronounced where the CEO is a party financier with self-interest to recoup their own funds. This is our Ghana that needs a political sanity overhaul.

Consequently, *this is why we have  already had an NPP scandal at BOST covered up and overridden by the BNI. *THIS  is why  ongoing  Finance Ministry escapades are becoming increasingly  infamous. *THIS is  what makes  Kofi Osafo Marfo’s transfer to Agyapa as  CEO  after his SSNIT training most troubling. *THIS is why Kwasi Twum’s machinations at DVLA makes him a victim of his secret ambitions as well as his  corruption – compliant appointment  like the  other listed examples  including the  impudent GHAPOHA boss residential renovation and insider dealing saga.  Indeed the CEO’s of National Banks tend to be  part of a required political corruption compliance  syndrome.

*Dear fellow citizens, THIS is why all these appointments are politically sensitive and change with incoming NPP/NDC governments and are reserved for party faithfuls with high level connections. *THIS is why there is a SSNIT NDC digitization scandal AND *THIS is also why significantly, there is an ongoing  prosecution of former  NDC COCOBOD boss Opuni as well as most  interestingly a former NDC National Security Deputy Coordinator  for corruption and causing financial loss.

In this cyclical citizen/politician corruption collusion, the accusers in opposition become corruption implementors in government with vote buying normalized as perennially cheated citizens demand their pound of flesh at election season. What a  sad racket!

Mr. President, The Busia name and image as you very well know is synonymous with  Excellent Scholarship and integrity as well as adverse to corruption  and highly respected for Sincerity of dedicated  Public Service world wide. Thus it should not be fused with  serial corruption syndications in consonance with underhand  economic management misleadership. THIS is why I have  written cogently with supporting facts  about the Agyapa deal which I find  circumstantially unwholesome.

My  father Kofi Busia as Prime Minister of Ghana and Head of the Progress Party government struggled to  structure Ghana’s significant debt payments with a  pervasive rural development  collaborative policy  as well as what he termed  Ghananisation of the economy  which had a technological and self-help  incentive and  national dignity objective.

There is proof of cabinet discussions that show that he was willing to absorb the political cost of transparent financial management in national interest. Please  Let us not soil his  distinguished legacy  and his good name while we spin spooky wheels in an era of debt forgiveness.

Mr. President, Any vindictive traumatizing  stint by  your administration and its allies against me for  conserving his legacy while standing up for Ghana First  against ANY corruption tainted democracy  is an unacceptable outrage.

Mr President, in May  2019 you  signed into law the Freedom of Information Act, calling its passage a  monumental feat which would concretize transparent and accountable governance. Why then has a  moratorium been  placed on my Agyapa gold article which has been singled out of the many articles on the subject?  Can Ghana  also  censor the Mid- East and Africa edition of the Economist  newspaper that has raised similar concerns?

Mr President, if my protected democratic speech which is consistent  with freedom of information has so inspired wrath as to be abolished, how can your government  be trusted?

Citi FM

As regards Citi FM’s  Shameful  damnation of Free Speech:I am most  politely requesting that Citi FM kindly use positive high level  power channels  to  reinstate my  insightful Agyapa  article with a public apology.

The disappearance  of my article has exposed Citi FM’s claim to neutrality as a champion of good governance and functional democracy watchdog as not factual. This matter of a comprehensive  objective critique of Agyapa gold  deal has shown Citi FM as  not even representing Freedom of Speech as a major media institution with world wide coverage and that is a sad and worrying  development.

Mr Samuel Attah Mensa is it not absolutely shameful that Citi FM a major and widely respected  media house would  damn  protected free speech?

Mr. BERNARD Avle how did this faux pas happen? Where is the acclaimed neutrality of Citi FM now involved in suppression of free speech?

Let me ask, Who calls the real shots at  the celebrated Citi FM? This is a huge retrogression in the media landscape. Oh Citi FM the beloved media mogul, how has the mighty fallen?

***Fellow citizens,  can you not see that my Agyapa article  has  rather been elevated in the annals of Ghana history as a must read and a turning point in H.E. AkufoA-ddo democratic Governance? One would have to go far down history lane to find such an occurrence which is a definite blight on the HE Akufo-Addo eventual  legacy.

• Friends in  the media and Civil Society are you going to look askance at this attack  on Press Freedom? Let me also ask all right thinking Ghanaians and the objective media if theres any left in Ghana to condemn this Free Speech censorship which has exposed  Ghana’s thin democratic facade.

My analytical writings have a meaningful objective to cause revelatory  and cataclysmic positive change in  corrupt democratic practise in order to uplift the image of Ghana’s paperweight democracy that is parading as  Africa’s leader in democratic dispensation to be part of divine healing Grace and to give relevant gravitas to our continent so that we can sit comfortably among the comity of nations with pride. AND, THAT IS ALL.


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