
Edwin Afetsi: Choosing Julius Debrah as Running Mate vital for 2024 victory!

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As the search for John Mahama’s running mate for the 2024 Presidential elections heats up, a name stands tallest among the stalwarts being speculated.

That name is no other than the former chief of staff, Julius Debrah! An affable yet energetic long term and enormously experienced grassroots politician as he is fits the bill to be the perfect complement for John Mahama to enable the National Democratic Congress (NDC) win power in 2024. Among many key pointers to his importance to the 2024 ticket, I discuss just a few below:

Regional Counterbalance against NPP
Every student of politics knows the failed ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has been relying on massive votes in two regions of Ghana, the Ashanti and Eastern regions, to easily gain power during elections because of their huge voter population figures. NDC hardly gets 30% of votes from these regions in previous elections.

The party has projected gaining at least 30% of votes in Ashanti alone while maintaining or improving in other regions will comfortably secure electoral victory fort the party next year.

The demographics of these two regions named above indicate they are predominantly Akan. In order to appeal to the electorates in these areas, the party cannot only rely on campaigning and projects but also a symbolic figure to represent the efforts as the people will identify with him.

This is where Julius Debrah, an Akan in a broader sense and a Kwahu/Akim hybrid is highly suitable to lead the fight to break the NPP’s stranglehold on them. He is a solid bridge the NDC can use in this sense. It is important to mention that Julius enjoys so much respect throughout the entire Eastern region where the NPP has a foothold.

As to why someone from the Ashanti region should not be considered instead because it appears to be the most critical flashpoint, the point has to be made that the argument is not about Asante votes; it is intrinsically Akan representation and votes in an unlimited sense.

Yes I agree geographically we can accept there are equally big stalwarts who can be considered from the Ashanti region to represent the Akan enclave, but you will agree with me Julius fits the bill better based on the other parameters we will look at below.

Key Experiences
It is no doubt one of the highly experienced politicians Ghana has after John Mahama is Julius Debrah. This is a man who went through several phases of Ghana’s political history having begun his grooming from both Rawlings eras into the post 2000 NDC journey.

His vast experience in political governance is enviable as much as worthy of emulating. He was a staunch member of the NDC who kept faith with the party and rose to become the Eastern Regional Chairman of the party. He was also the party’s parliamentary candidate for the Suhum constituency during the 2000, 2004 and 2012 parliamentary elections and nearly won the elusive seat for the party in the last attempt.

His versatility and utility made him travel the political rail with quick steps. He was Eastern Region Minister on two occasions; February 2013 to March 2013 and March 2014 to June 2014. In between these periods he served creditably as the Greater Accra Regional Minister. His hard works got him appointed later as the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development in June 2014 and finally elevated to the critical height of Chief of Staff of the Presidency in February 2015 to succeed Prosper Bani.

It is clear Julius was in the thick of affairs during the difficult economic era of the Mahama administration. His contribution to salvaging the situation at the time included “The Akosombo Retreat” which produced a short and medium-term agenda themed “Our Life Changers”.

The Agenda hinged on four (4) strategic areas namely Environmental Sanitation, Decentralization and Empowerment of District Assemblies, Small and Micro Enterprise Development, and Social Housing.

He also championed the development of the first Consolidated Local Government Bill in Ghana which was eventually passed in 2016 as Local Governance Act, 2016 Act 936 which harmonized five conflicting legislations on decentralization into one Act.

Under the Environmental Sanitation agendum, he successfully introduced the National Sanitation Day which received massive buy-in by all Ghanaians. It may have been abandoned currently by the envious Akufo Addo administration but somehow being revived by the Gt. Accra Regional Minister sparingly under the code name Operation Clean Your Frontage in the capital. In addition, his relentless efforts led to the radical introduction and implementation of the first phase of Street Naming in Ghana within a period of three months.

Prior to the above it is instructive to mention his leadership as CEO of the Ghana Tourism Authority between 2009 and 2013. Under his leadership he oversaw the reshaping of the Ghana Tourist Board to the Ghana Tourism Authority to enhance its role in promoting tourism in Ghana through the passage of Act 817 by the Parliament of Ghana.

Let it be noted that even as the party is in opposition, Julius has never downed his political tools. He is continuously engrossed in grooming the grassroots to prepare for the huge task ahead in 2024. Like the submarine that we call him, he is involved in almost all party processes to keep the party alive and functioning.

Most NDC confidants will admit he is one of the main mediators when hot party issues arise.

Too Friendly With John Mahama
Some have argued that Julius is too close to John Mahama; he is Mahama’s puppet; Lordina is pushing him on the party among others.

Baseless I will say these are! Perhaps we have lost regard for the cliché birds of the same feathers flock together. The party is looking for a candidate to partner its flagbearer for a national elections contest. In the party’s own guidelines, the flagbearer will propose his running mate to the National Council. In this case the Ewe proverb that a ghost only kills the one whom he knows will definitely play out.

Mahama worked with Julius in his previous administration and judging from the quick succession of his elevation by him to finally settle him to the seat of Chief of Staff can only tell us one thing: Mahama trusts Julius a lot! It should not surprise anyone therefore that Julius is in high consideration here.

This is where those who accuse him of being his puppet misconceived the idea. It is clear from above that Julius’ excellence endeared him to John Mahama. With that influence, as a new running mate is being sought, Mahama will definitely have Julius among his very top options, and surely it will be a huge advantage if he chooses Julius above the others. At least some may agree that the Kow Nkensen Arkah/Rawlings episode emanated from distrust.

Central Region Argument
I have read on social media some comrades do not want the running mate for 2020 dropped. The NDC has never maintained running mate in opposition going into two different elections irrespective of which region he or she comes from though it is not a rule.

Martin Amidu was dropped by Atta Mills in 2004 for Alhaji Mohammad Mumuni who was also dropped in 2008 for John Mahama. The same way after 2020 if a new running mate is picked for 2024 there should be no qualms as the best interest of the party should be borne in mind.

The fact that the choice this time may go to another region and not the Central Region should even be more acceptable and exciting as many have doubts whether the NDC thinks it must always appease the Central Region for anything. Just as other regions accept whenever a presidential or running mate is picked from Central Region, it must also accommodate other regions equally.

The NDC has spread its tentacles all over Ghana and treats all regions equitably. This is what distinguishes the party from the obviously perceived tribal concentration of the NPP.

As already mentioned above, the time has come to break the bank of the failed ruling party. So moving to a region where a punch will land properly should be decisive. Besides changing Prof. Jane Naana must never be construed as gender bias.

Women always play important roles in the party and will be considered to do so whether a woman or man is chosen as running mate. In fact she would not have been chosen in 2020 if bias were the case. This time it is purely circumstances as happened in 2004, 2008.

There is too much at stake to waste energy on a needless topic as that. The learned Prof. understands the game and will have no issues with what will eventually be the case.

A Force for the Future
Julius Debrah’s age is another advantage that will be critical in taking over the mantle from 2028.

At a tender of 57 now and 58 at the time of elections in 2024, he will be a smart choice that will propel the NDC beyond 2028 where he could take over to lead the second term at 62 years.

Ghana, and Africa at large, is revolutionizing with young leadership into the future. At that age Julius will still be energetic, fresh and wise to lead Ghana’s next generation into prosperity. The NDC has a great chance with this man, we cannot forego him.

I have no doubt that this write up does not say everything about Julius Debrah which could equally convince others to accept him to be chosen as the John Mahama’s running mate for the 2024 elections.

However a good product that he is, he is able to sell himself. My job is just to announce he is close by so we should buy him.

I do recognize that the flagbearer is the only one who will propose the running mate yet I am convinced from what I know about both the flagbearer and Julius Debrah coupled with what they have done in the past together, John Mahama is very likely to settle on Julius Debrah as his running mate and this partnership will inevitably bring NDC to power in 2025! I am convinced.

Edwin K. Afetsi
Branch Communication Officer
Tema West


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