
‘I don’t own a Facebook account’ – First Deputy Speaker disclaims

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The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu, has served notice to the general public that he does not own an account on Facebook.

The denouncement came after his attention was drawn to an impersonation of his character on the social media platform with the account named “Hon. Joseph Osei Owusu”.

A disclaimer issued from the office of the Director, Public Affairs, said the supposed account set up in his name and used to dupe people should be disregarded.

“We wish to state categorically that the First Deputy Speaker and MP for Bewail is not on Facebook and the said account is a scam”

“We would like to use this opportunity to inform the general public that the Offices of the First Deputy Speaker and Members of Parliament do not transact business and Parliamentary related matters on Facebook” the Director clarified in the statement.

Joseph Osei Owusu thus through the Director advised Ghanaians to desist from transacting business with the imposter bearing his name.

The statement noted that the necessary steps have been taken to inform the Parliamentary Police Unit to investigate and cause the arrest of the imposter.

The alleged fake Facebook account bearing the name of the First Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei Owusu

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