
Koku Anyidoho: Desire for political power versus wellbeing of Ghana

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What is the principle behind the DESIRE for people to seek political office – especially the highest office of the Land?

Desire is defined by the Websters Dictionary as “A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen”.
When people contest for political office, ipso facto, it is driven by a strong feeling of wanting to have power and for things to happen. It is that strong urge for “something to happen” per the lust of the flesh, rather than the will of God, that has got me swinging my mind around this article.

I am no rookie in the political stratosphere and I say without any fear of contradiction that a lot of the urge for “something to happen” is borne out of the “strong feeling of wanting to have something”.
In other words, it is the “want” factor that drives the “wishing” factor.

I am certainly not against people getting due recompense for their work in public office but when the only DESIRE is to fleece the nation to enrich oneself at the expense of the greater good of the populace, then I consider such service to be a great disservice to God and Country.
If you want to live by your God-given mission (and not the self-seeking mission of Man), it would not be difficult for people to call you a “fool”.

I do not stop hearing voices; “… why are you doing what you are doing? It is power that we are looking for … let us also get the power and enjoy small … after all some people are enjoying so let us also enjoy”.

I actually once met someone who said, “… Koku you and I are not driving a V8 and me too I want to drive V8 so just help us win …”. That afternoon when I retired home, I sat and played back what the person told me and I felt very sad.

This is someone who is gainfully employed in a financial institution and is doing well by all standards but his only DESIRE to see his choice political party in power, is to be able to drive a V8. His/her desire has nothing to do with the DESIRE to see this dear country of ours move to higher/better levels of growth. As far as the person is concerned, I am being a fool for not wanting to also drive a V8.

One of President Atta-Mills’ oft used quote to us his close associates, was, “if anyone thinks I am a fool, that person is a bigger fool”. So, those who think I am a fool for not lusting after the fleshy side of political power, must look at the themselves closely in the mirror and they would realise that they are more of fools than they think I am.

When President Atta-Mills departed this world as the sitting President, he was not buried with ANYTHING. He was buried just like all other mortals are buried so I continue to ask myself why the need for me to just be amassing wealth immorally when there is nowhere to go with such stuff. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart is” (Mathew 6:19-21).

When we allow our DESIRES to drive our passion without any form of guidance, we become demons without knowing so.

In the bible, King Herod allowed his DESIRE to eliminate Christ, to turn him into a demon – killing scores of innocent male babies.

Whatever be the case, no matter the evil desires of certain types of political party leadership, there shall always exist wise men who would not allow the evil desires to make them part of the lustful plots of leadership.

When the Magi (Wise Men), were sent by King Herod to search for Christ and return to inform him so he could ostensibly go and pay homage, the wise men were visited by the Angel Gabriel who informed them not to ever go back in the direction of Herod.

In like manner, there exists wise men in all spheres of our political undertakings who refuse to be a part of the lustful flesh-loving agenda of those leaders who pursue evil DESIRES.

Pharaoh’s evil DESIRE to continue to oppress the Israelites in slavery, made the Egyptians suffer the 10 horrible plagues.

Point is, whether we like it or not, the evil DESIRES of those who lead us have direct consequences on the existence of nations and I weep for some youth who have allowed themselves to be plagued by evil DESIRES – always baying for blood and beating war/death drums.

Today, I saw a clip of some of the war-drum-beaters running for their lives when they tempted fate and were met with more than equal force from the other side of the divide. Why did they run for their lives? Why did they not stand and beat the war drums? They talk as if they own the universe yet they were running for their lives when they were shown “small” firepower. Obviously, these boys are just being misled and they think that death discriminates.
“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”.

Recently when a video clip of me preaching the word of God hit social media and went viral, I smiled when I read some of the very derogatory comments. One comment read, “the world is coming to an end”. The person cannot believe that I am now a preacher of the gospel of Christ and so his world is coming to an end.
Well, my real world is not coming to an end; indeed, a new light is shining on my life and shinning so bright on my destiny that it is blinding those who cannot accept what God is using me to do (and going to use me to do), in the life of Ghana and in the life of nations.

As a nation-builder and an intercessor, when I had the opportunity to see President Akufo-Addo in 2020 at the Flagstaff House and he asked me; “Koku what can I do for you?”, I thank God that I asked only for the construction of Asomdwe Park and nothing else.

I prayed for God to grant me an opportunity to be able to meet the President and plead for Asomdwe Park to be constructed because its horrible state at the time was burdening my spirit just as the broken-down walls of Jerusalem kept burdening the spirit of Nehemia till he found favour with the king and asked to be allowed to go and rebuild the walls.

I thank God that I did NOT seek any personal favours and stayed focused on what the voice of God told me to do for His glory and for the glory of Mother Ghana.

Indeed, I told President Akufo-Addo that, I did not seek any personal gain from our meeting and that, I believe once Asomdwe Park is constructed, God will open up the heavens and bless me “… exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20).
I have chosen, “… not to live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mathew 4:4).

I meet people who say, “Koku, you made a very big mistake because you should have made lots money when President Atta-Mills was alive ..”.
Thank God I did NOT make money, and thank God that I have never begged for bread nor milk.
God has always provided, and has told me that He shall always fill my barn of grain, fill my jar of oil, and make my well of water always overflow so I do not hunger nor thirst, and also have enough to be able to share with the less advantaged/privileged.

I do not (shall never do so), hide my deep-seated admiration for the late President John Evans Atta-Mills because as a very close aide/confidant, I know for a fact that his DESIRES had all to do with service to God and Country.

I know the calling upon my life and what God has called me to do for Ghana and other nations.
When I entered the Trinity Theological Seminary, I knew that my calling was not necessarily to wear a clerical robe; my calling is to use my God-given talents to work as a citizen of Heaven and an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God in this earth realm.

I know that left to some people, Trinity Theological Seminary should not have admitted me – but for as long as the devil could not truncate the Will of God over the life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, I decree from the Throne Room of God that NO human being shall be able to stop me from fulfilling God’s divine purposes for my life.

Some of us continue to pray and make intercessions for our dear Republic of Ghana and the Almighty shall give us the strength/courage to be like David so that without any form of conventional accoutrements of war, we shall defeat the Goliaths who shall oppress Ghana and Ghanaians.
In this month of October, the tenth month, which establishes God’s authority over His creations, I declare that, “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies who will stumble and fall.

Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident. … I remain confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27: 1-3 & 13-14).

The wellbeing of Mother Ghana is all I seek – be it from the, East, North, West or South, and may God Almighty be my Helper.

Ghana shall not die; Ghana shall live to give glory and honour to God the Most High.


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