
Mothers are epitome of love, affection, sacrifice and generosity —CPP appreciates mothers

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The Convention People’s Party (CPP), through its General Secretary, Nana Yaa Akyempim Jantuah, lauds mothers for their contribution to national development as part of commemorating the Mother’s Day.

In its well-wish message to the women, the CPP among other things touts mothers as the “epitome of Love, affection, sacrifice and generosity,” and stresses how their role is becoming significant in conditioning the youth in a society which some have described as losing its values.

Read the full statement below:

On the auspicious occasion of celebrating Mothers’ Day, the CPP salute all Mothers in Ghana for their unstinting efforts and positive contributions towards the socio – economic development of our dear country.

The C.P.P recognises the contributions of our Ghanaian Mothers as partners in our quest to rid ourselves from under development and abject poverty. We recount with pride the sacrifice made by our gallant Mother’s to help our leader and founder of modern Ghana Osagyefo DR Kwame Nkrumah and his gallant freedom fighters during our struggle for independence.

The CPP recognises the fact that Mothers are one of the pillars of our society. Mothers are epitome of LOVE, AFFECTION, SACRIFICE and GENEROSITY. We know for a fact that if there is no Mother, there will be no family, No Society, and No Country and No Existence of human beings. The CPP is proud of Ghanaian Mothers who provide solace to the hardship and suffering of our Children as a result of the recklessimplementation of neoliberal economic policies by successive governments after the overthrow of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah’s CPP government.

In our current state of hopelessness as a nation, a Mother’s role is becoming more and more significant when some of the youth in our country are on the perverted path owing to distractions which are the products of modern age. We pay our respects to all MOTHERS and urge you to continue to transform, educate and to empower our children to become responsible citizens.

The CPP recognises the Ghanaian Mothers’ contributionstowards the socio-economic development of our country and as a People’s Party we do not take the role of Mothers for granted and we appreciate the “Thankless” jobs with no payment of wages/salaries for your non-stop work for 365 days in a year.

Our dear Ghanaian Mothers, the CPP is proud of you; you are the personification of DEVOTION and a POWERFUL WARRIOR. Yours has been the battle against all odds to ensure happiness to our Children and in most homes, you have borne the brunt of economic hardships due to unbridled IMF/World Bank unfriendly economic policies and become the most reliant “BREAD WINNERS” for the provision of food, clothing and accommodation/shelter.

As our Mothers we take cognisance of your role as a teacher, friend, guide, philosopher and even a psychologist. Today we salute you all Ghanaian Mothers for everything you do, done and still do for us. The CPP as a socialist/Nkrumaist party believes in the emancipation and empowerment of all Ghanaians. As a people we have to accept the fact that any great person’s success can be traced back to his or her Mother’s inspiration.

On this special day, we have the opportunity to share our gratitude and appreciation for our mothers. You serve as a shield for our Children and family, no matter how Mothers endure or how many people judge you. The CPP salutes all Mothers and expresses its profound gratitude for your unflinching support to our Children and Country as a whole.

AYEKOO!!!!! To ALL Mothers! Hip, Hip, Hip Hooray!!


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